All new & returning players must:
Step 1. Register on SportsEngine
Step 2. Register on Register-My Athlete/Aktivate
Step 3: Complete and submit an annual Sports Participation Physical
If you are an incoming Sophomore, Junior, or Senior and this is your first year playing football at Pinnacle, after you have registered with SportsEngine visit Coach Zupke personally to introduce yourself and discuss your football experience and knowledge for rostering. (Not required for incoming Freshman)
1. Select the 2025-2026 School Year from the drop-down menu.
PV Schools Athletics - participation requirements and checklist. Arizona Interscholastic Association (AIA) information.
Download the Official 2025/2026 AIA Physical, Consent-to-Treat, & TBI Acknowledgement Forms Here:
All athletes require a physical.
Physicals MUST be dated AFTER March 1, 2025.
Provide your Medical Professional with the CORRECT FORM
Ensure the Doctor Signs and Dates the appropriate sections.
Your athlete’s Primary Care Physician – Bring the Official AIA Physical Evaluation forms to the appointment.
PVUSD partners with NextCare for low-cost Sports Physicals. You must bring the official AIA Physical Evaluation forms to your appointment.
Most Urgent Care or Walk-in Clinics – Call to confirm. You must bring the official AIA Physical Evaluation forms to your appointment.
BackFit Health + Spine is offering discounted sports physicals during the months of August and September.
Download the SportsEngine App to your mobile phone for easy access to Team Communication & Alerts + Schedules/Calendars + Game-Day Rosters.
SE For iPhone:
SE for Android:
Use this tool to look up a registration!
To look up the details of a completed 2025 Football Registration - PHS registration please type in all details exactly as they appear on the final registration.
Click to view all of your completed registrations.